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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Rugae in the GI tract; Electron Microscope: no stain.

This slide above contains rugae from the GI tract. Rugae are basically folds that allow the stomach to expand and increase surface area with no change in pressure. This increases absorption. I do not know nor do I care if dinos* have rugae, but i think it is pretty awesome that dinos* line the inside of our GI tract. And who said there was no evidence of evolution?

*I used the abbreviated form of the extinct animal because I couldn't even spell the animal correctly enough for this program to autocorrect me.
** I took a little creative license on this photograph. Obviously this dino is climbing a steep rockface (with small high elevation shrubs scattered about), but rocks turn out to be very difficult to draw, so I put this dino in a cave. Apologies if it bothers any of you.

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