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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Lymphocyte; Electron Microscope

Some people dont have enough lymphocytes. For example, HIV patients have very few T cells (these are a type of lymphocyte, or white blood cell.) Without these T cells, HIV infected patients are unable to defend themselves against infections that healthy people are unfazed by. The slide above is a white blood cell smear with a lymphocyte smack dab in the middle. It came from the woman embalmed on the pendant below. The pendant is pretty poorly made and some jeweler probably threw it together for a couple of bucks and then sold it to some hipster at an outrageous mark up. I doubt, however, that it was even crappy enough for the hipster. I imagine to "improve it" (so she could claim to her friends it was "vintage"), she hung it from her window and let it rust up in the rain. It is all rather a sad story because the woman (from whom the blood cells above came from and whose face is embalmed on this pendant now owned by a hipster) now looks rather distorted, hole-chested, and horse-like. If you met her in real life, however, you would surely say to yourself "what a beautiful lady.... its too bad really that she smokes so heavily!"... or something to that effect. 

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