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NY, NY, United States

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Muscular Vein, Muscular Artery, Nerve, Arteriole; stain?

I can remember 6 obsessions I had as a kid. Card houses, magic tricks, rollerblading, film-making, juggling (soccer balls), and yoyo-ing. I was really only ever good at magic tricks and juggling (see: my recent card house fiasco on Survivor). I did, however, have big dreams to be a professional yoyo-ist. I am not sure what that even is, but I guess had youtube been around those days it would have meant at least a couple hundred thousand views on my best video. The only tricks I ever really mastered were sleeping (is that even considered a trick if you do it with one of those narcoleptic yoyos?) and the one that looked like a swing. Anyways, I was never as adept as this woman above is. She seems also to be able to shake her booty and yoyo at the same time. What an act. What a stupid show off. The slide above is a cross section of a few different types of arteries, veins, and nerves. It really is a beautiful and organized slide. Probably came from this show off woman. Ooo look at me! Yea, we all are.

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